The Pros and Cons of Screen Printing in Rancho Cucamonga, CA

by | Jul 30, 2018 | Business

Screen printing is a popular method for transferring an image onto a piece of clothing or textile. It is widely used to create promotional products and custom clothing for businesses, nonprofit organizations, political campaigns, and even bands. Readers who are trying to determine whether or not Screen Printing in Rancho Cucamonga CA will offer the right solution for their unique applications can read on to find out about a few of the pros and cons of this printing method.

The Pros

Thanks primarily to the composition of the inks used in screen printing and the thickness with which they can be applied, designs that are printed using this technique tend to be able to withstand a good deal of wear and tear without deteriorating. This process is also quite versatile. In fact, almost any surface can be screen printed as long as it can be laid flat.

No matter what surface customers are having screen printed, the end result will be eye-catching and vibrant, and they’ll stay that way through many washes. Plus, since multiple layers of ink can be applied using the same screens, there’s plenty of versatility when it comes to finishes. This makes it more likely for customers to wind up with finished products that reflect the styles they are looking to emulate.

The Cons

The actual process of screen printing in Rancho Cucamonga CA can be quite complex, which makes it necessary for customers interested in screen printed products to find a printer that has dedicated experience and all of the right equipment. Since each color included on a screen printed garment must be applied separately, it’s typically more expensive to print designs that feature a wide variety of different shades. It’s also better-suited to larger orders than individual garments.

Learn More Today

Interested in learning more about screen printing or other fabric alteration techniques like embroidery? The best place to start is to choose a print company that offers plenty of options and plenty of help when it comes to design, material selection, and promotional product development. Visit us online today to learn more about available services or get in touch with any questions today before placing an order.

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