When you plan on building a new commercial structure, you want it to be as accessible as possible to the public. You want to avoid inconveniencing your future customers by forcing them to look for places on the street or nearby lots to park.
However, you also need to find out if and where you can conveniently build a lot for your business. Rather than add one that might violate city codes or lack the needed space and accessibility, you can hire advisors like parking study consultants in Washington, DC, for your project.
More than anything, you may want the new parking area to be as accessible as possible to your new commercial building. You want people to be able to park there and then conveniently walk into the business.
The advisors you hire can tell you on what side of the structure to build the new parking area. They can also tell you how wide and long to make it and perhaps even what material to use to cover it with for your customers’ safety and convenience.
Your consultants might likewise know what the local codes are for building such additions. They can spare you from having to tear it all out and pay a code violation fee.
You can find out more about hiring parking study consultants in Washington, DC, for your project online. Reach out to Parking Advisors, Inc for more information today.