Signs You’re Living with Hard Water

by | Jun 2, 2017 | Water Filters

SheKnows says there are about 85 percent of American households that live with hard water. Hard water is high in calcium and magnesium content. These react with soap when you take a bath and produces soap scum. That means you’ll have to use more soap and detergent to give things a proper clean.

Signs of hard water

Not sure if you’ve got hard water in your home? Here are some of the signs:

  • You’ve got dry skin and hair
  • There’s a film on your tiles and kitchen or bathroom fixtures
  • There’s a layer of filmy shampoo residue on your hair, taking the shine out of your hair and leaving them limp
  • You have high utility bills
  • You use more soap and detergent
  • Your clothes have a short lifespan, fading only after a few washes
  • Tea and coffee taste weird

Hard water can lead to a lot of problems. Investing in salt free water conditioners can be the right solution for you.

What you can do

Getting a water conditioner or softener is one way to turn things around. However, be prepared for the added costs that the conditioners might stack on top of your monthly bills. However, if you plan on installing a reverse osmosis system, you’ll need to put in those conditioners to treat the water. Untreated hard water can be tough on the membrane of your RO system. This could lead to premature wear and damage, which could set you back a lot. Between the two, it might be more prudent to shell out money for the cost of those conditioners instead of buying a new RO system.


Know the signs. Invest in water conditioners to improve water conditions in your home. Look for reliable suppliers for salt free water conditioners for a good place to start.

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