We have all heard about a drug called Heroin and most of know that it’s very bad. But do you really know what Heroin is? Do you what effects Heroin can have for a user?
Heroin is a drug that comes from the Opium Poppy. Afghanistan is a major exporter of Opium to the world to manufacture opiate pain medication like Hydrocodone. But some of the opium is diverted and made into Heroin. Through various smuggling channels, Heroin then makes in on to the streets of America. Once on the streets, it’s distributed by drug dealers to the users (addicts).
Heroin is a highly addictive Opiate drug, also called a Narcotic. It works on a person’s opiate receptors in the brain. There it acts both as a pain killer, as well as providing a euphoric feeling or a high. The more Opiates, like Heroin, that a person takes, the more opiate receptors the brain makes. So, one real life effect of Opiates has to do with causing tolerance, which means that more and more of the opiates are needed to satisfy all of the extra opiate receptors which are being increased by taking Opiates over a long period of time. Then, when the person tries to stop, there are all of the extra Opiate receptors craving for more.
As such, one real life effect of being addicted to Opiates like Heroin is, the person essentially damages their brain by taking high doses over a long period of time. That is called an addiction, also known as Opiate Use Disorder.
Other real life effects of having an addiction to Heroin (Opiate Use Disorder) has to do with the way that the drug causes the brain to become selfish. The selfish brain, from Opiate Use Disorder can influence a person to essentially ignore important obligations. As such, a person with an addiction to Heroin will lose his or her job and/or his or her family because the Opiates cause a person to only look toward the next dose, thus sacrificing all of the important things of life. This is a behavior that the person would not normally do, absent their addiction.
If you know someone who needs help for Opiate Use Disorder, or if you need help yourself; contact The Drug and Alcohol Detox Clinic of South Mississippi @ 000.000.0000. Or on the web. You can also follow them on Twitter for more information. There’s Still Hope!