Inflatable Tubes and Safety

by | May 10, 2017 | Water Sports

When tubing, it is always important to keep safety in mind. Inflatable tubes are fun of course, but can be dangerous especially if safety isn’t a priority. A tuber does not have control, which puts all the responsibility onto the driver of the boat.

Keep the following in mind:

  • Make sure the tubing passengers are ALWAYS wearing a life vest.

  • A person should be assigned as the “spotter” to keep track of the tubers and inform the driver should they fall off. The spotter’s job is to keep track of the tubers location.

  • The driver’s responsibility is to be alert at all times! Know what boats are coming and from what direction, have an understanding of regulations and rules, also keep an eye out for congestion or hazards.

  • Always know the warnings before towing any inflatable tubes. Know the max capacity; including riders, weight, and tow speed.

  • Teach each tuber how to hold and position themselves on the tube. Also, make them aware of rules specific to the body of water you are traveling on. Know the limitations of each rider, their swimming ability, strength and coordination levels. This will allow you to make adjustments, as the driver, when towing them.

  • Reduce your speed when going over wakes; this is especially important if the tuber is riding on his stomach.

  • Ropes should be no longer the 60 feet long, a loner rope means higher speeds for the tuber. This causes more hazards and risks. As the driver, always stay at least 60 feet away from any obstruction, boat, hazard etc.

  • Do not exceed the recommended factory set speed of any inflatable tubes. There is a reason for a max speed, so follow the warning!

  • Always be extra cautious when pulling two or more riders. Do not pull more than 2 tubes at a time. When two riders are on a single tube, make sure their weight properly balances the tube. The riders should work together to position themselves so they do not get tangled in the rope.

If you want to purchase inflatable tubes visit us online or call Phone No. for details.

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