For a professional taking time off of work and attending an intensive type of data science course can seem like a difficult justification when considering the cost of the course and the time away from work.
There may even be additional costs if the professionals have to travel to New York and stay in a hotel or even find a friend or family member to stay with for a few weeks. However, at RSquare Edge we know that the long-term positive impact of this decision will result in marked opportunities in your career to either advance, make lateral moves to other companies, and to even find employment with a startup company where the opportunities for growth and advancement are exceptional.
When thinking about the cost of attending a data science course in New York, we think there is actually more than just the cost to consider. By selecting a training facility and course based on several factors you have a better return on your investment and also have better opportunities to find the perfect job after course completion.
Connection with Industry and Academics
At RSquare Edge, one of the first considerations in developing our data analytics training was to make it practical based on what the business community sees as the needs for trained professionals they would hire. Additionally, we also wanted to ensure we were providing the latest in training from top academic professionals and trainers.
Our program includes a Leadership Council which is a mix of highly recognized academic and business professionals. This group constantly provides feedback and insight into this emerging field of study, allowing our faculty to be on the cutting edge of training students for what employers demand and what the future will bring.
Reputation of Alumni
Since starting our immersive 12-week data science course at our New York training facility, we have carefully screened and selected our students. This includes having all applicants complete an on-line aptitude test as well as an interview completed in person or by telephone for those students not in the area.
At the same time, RSquare Edge developed an extensive network with the very businesses looking for our graduate students, allowing our Career Services department to provide career weeks, networking sessions and recommendations for our students looking for work in the industry.
With this careful selection and attention to detail in training, we have developed a top reputation for highly trained and qualified graduates. This reputation helps our current and future students, just as their success will assist those in the next training sessions.