Most vehicle owners need to learn a lot more about the various auto insurance coverages. It is important to know how much coverage one needs and who is protected, you or the other driver. Experts say individuals often fail to buy sufficient coverage to protect themselves. First, most consumers are required to have liability insurance. Liability covers someone that is injured in an accident where you are at fault. Insurance companies use three numbers to represent the amount of coverage. For example, 25/50/15 means:
1. $25,000 bodily injury coverage for one person injured in an accident
2. $50,000 bodily injury to split between everyone injured in an accident
3. $15,000 property damage coverage
If you need Auto Insurance in Tulsa OK, check with AES Insurance Brokers. They have years of experience and can answer many questions about liability insurance. For instance, most states have a minimum amount that is required. Interested persons should visit this website and learn more. Consumers can be sued personally if there is not enough liability insurance to cover all the damages. Therefore, individuals with a lot of assets may want to consider higher liability limits.
Another coverage available under Auto Insurance in Tulsa OK is personal injury protection or PIP. PIP protects the driver in the event they are injured in an accident. Many consumers fail to buy PIP because they have health insurance. However, PIP has some added protection. Health insurance companies, medicare and medicaid practice subrogation. This means they want to be reimbursed for part of the monies spent on your claim. PIP often reimburses their insured for the subrogation amount. Next, lien holders require drivers to have comprehensive and collision coverage. Comprehensive covers non-accident related damage to your vehicle. For example, comprehensive kicks in if hail damages a car. On the other hand, collision pays if you hit an object left in the roadway and the vehicle is damaged. Drivers also need uninsured motorists coverage. It protects the driver if they are hit by someone with no insurance. There is a lot to know about auto insurance. That’s why it is good to have the best agent on your team.