Machine screws, also called machine bolts are typically used when it is necessary to fasten something to a surface which has a pre-drilled and pre-tapped hole. It is not necessary that the hole be pre-tapped, machine screws in NY can also go through the multiple layers of material and be tightened with a corresponding nut.
Machine screws are often categorized based on the type of slot that is machined into the screw head; this slot in turn determines the type of screwdriver that is required. The two most common head designs are slotted and Phillips although there are proprietary head designs such as Torx. A Torx screw has a unique six point star design that cannot be tightened or loosened without the proper screwdriver. Screws with unique head designs are often chosen when they are going to be used in a place where it is important that they cannot be tampered with. Examples where these special machine screws are often found are on high voltage electrical panels or fastening partitions and other apparatus to the walls in a public restroom. Other machine screws are available with hex or square heads, these have to be tightened and loosened with a wrench.
The slot design is one thing; the actual head shape is another when it comes to defining machine screws in NY. Round head or pan head screws protrude above the material surface when they are tight. Flat head screws are conical shaped; this allows them to lie flush with the material surface as they rest in a hole which is counter-bored to suit. A typical set screw has no head; this allows the screw to be inserted into the material below the surface.
All fasteners have unique thread forms; machine screws in NY are no different. The thread is by far the most important element of a machine screw; it must be perfectly matched with the corresponding hole or nut. The typical thread form used in the US is a standard that has been set by the International Organization for Standardization, better known as the “ISO.” These standards have been developed and adopted so that common design standards can be comfortably adopted. The standard thread form takes into account the diameter of the thread and number of threads per inch of length, better known as the thread pitch. Machine screws can be produced in a variety of materials as long as they follow the basic thread forms.