If you and your partner have gone separate ways, but you have children together, you may be interested in learning more about child support. This is typically awarded to the parent who provides more care for the child to ensure the child has everything needed. It should help the primary parent cover the basic necessities like clothing, shelter, food and education. However, it’s not always easy to get the child support you need.
If you have just separated, you’ll want to speak with an attorney about getting Child Support in Dayton Oh, from your ex-partner. They can help you determine custody, visitation schedules, and a child support payment schedule. All of this will need to be approved by a judge but, once it is in place, your ex-partner will be required to pay you each month.
If you are supposed to be receiving Child Support in Dayton Oh, but have not received a payment or the payments are smaller than they should be, you should also speak with an attorney. Your attorney can help you take your ex-partner back to court to force them to make all payments in full. There are a variety of consequences that can be received if a person does not follow a court mandated child support arrangement.
You may also want to speak with an attorney if you’d like to have the amount of child support adjusted. This typically happens if one parent begins making more money or if the payments aren’t enough to help the primary parent cover the necessities. An attorney can help you with everything that needs to be done to ask the judge for an adjustment of the amount to be paid.
These are just a few of the times you may want to speak with an attorney about the child support you should be receiving. Remember, the child support schedule needs to be approved by a judge before you can do anything about nonpayments. Make sure you speak with an attorney as soon as possible for any help you may need or to get answers to any questions you may have about the child support you should be receiving.