Vibratory Polishing: An Effective Type Of Mass Finishing

by | Sep 30, 2015 | Business

In industry, there are various ways to remove the presence of edges and burrs on metal work pieces. These components are subjected to a finishing process of one type or another. An effective form of mass finishing is vibratory finishing (VF). A variation of this approach is called vibratory polishing.

Metal Vibratory Polishing

Polishing is one significant step in the production method. Vibratory polishing machines are utilized to provide a part with a smooth, aesthetically pleasing and finished surface. Vibratory polishers are one way to remove sharp edges and deburr. It is also used to descale, radius, clean and burnish. Such industrial flaws can occur on almost any metal including those commonly employed e.g. aluminum and steel.

Vibratory polishing is also a type of barrel finishing. Because of its ability to effectively polish some parts simultaneously, it is also referred to as mass or batch finishing. Industries often prefer it because of its shorter time cycles and its greater workload. Both characteristics tend to make the process cost-effective and efficient at the same time.

The Process of Vibratory Polishing

In vibratory polishing, the pieces being polished are subjected to a controlled vibration that gyrates. This occurs in specially designed equipment – drums often called barrels or tubs. The parts are polished as a result of the three major components working together. These are:

1. The Parts
2. The Medium – This is specified for the metal components. It can, for instance, be sand, plastic or metal.
3. The Compound

The action of these components within the drum provides a scrubbing (not a tumbling) action. It operates on all parts at the same time. The result is a uniformly polished surface free from abrasions and burrs. The adjustable speed of the cycle of the vibratory polishing machinery together with the size of the vibration makes it suitable to treat a broad range of parts effectively. For example, for a finer finish, small frequencies combine with small amplitudes. If the parts are large, the job requires the amplitudes and the frequencies to be higher to remove successfully sharp radius edges and burrs to achieve that desired polished look.

The process used in vibratory polishing has a couple of other options. It can be wet or dry. This will depend on what finish is wanted as well as the specific preferences of the client.

Vibratory Polishing

If you are looking for a method for improving the surface of your work pieces, consider the advantages of vibratory finishing. It is both highly efficient and cost-effective. While tumbling is one method, for finer results, many choose vibratory finishing or polishing. Vibratory polishing is one clear mean of ensuring your components achieve the requisite high-quality surface, without the presence of burrs or edges, your customers expect.

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