Responsive Web Design: What is it?

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Business

Have you ever asked yourself, “What the heck is responsive website design?” Responsive Website design includes an approach wherein a designer will create a web page which “responds to” or will resize itself depending upon the kind of device it’s being seen through.  This might be an oversized desktop PC monitor, laptop, 10” tablet, 7” tablet, or a 4” smartphone screen.

How Will Responsive Website Design Work?

Responsive websites utilize fluid grids. Every page element is sized by proportion, instead of pixels. Therefore, if you have 3 columns, you would not say exactly how wide everyone should be, yet instead, how wide they must be in association with the additional columns. Column one must take up 50% of the page, column two must take up 30 percent, and column three must take up 20 percent, for example.

Media like images also are relatively resized. This way an image may stay inside its column or its relative design element.

Why should Small Businesses Switch over to Responsive Website Design?

More individuals are utilizing mobile devices. One recent Pew study discovered that 45 percent of adults in America have a smartphone, and 31 percent have a tablet computer. As was recently reported, smartphone shipments outpace the ones of standard mobile phones, and growth of tablets is skyrocketing.

Check your visitors and you may just be surprised at how much traffic is reaching your website with mobile devices.  (Within your Google Analytics, choose “Audience” on the left-hand side, and “Mobile” to check what part of traffic is from mobile devices. You even can drill down to check what devices are sending the visitors.)

Responsive design templates are every place now, to buy.  If, for example, you have a WordPress website you may go to a reputable template gallery like ThemeForest and look for “responsive WordPress themes.”  Buy one for below $50. Then, have your customize responsive website design in Denver Colorado for brand and logo.

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