Choosing the Perfect Spot for Your Outdoor Brick Pizza Oven

by | Mar 23, 2017 | Cooking Equipment

The decision to put an outdoor brick pizza oven in your yard means you’ve decided to enhance your outdoor space with one of the best cooking and entertaining tools money can buy. Your pizza oven will provide plenty of variety in the things you can cook for your guests, and will look great in your yard, too. The next question, of course, is just where should you put your oven?

Your oven should be placed in an area that is easily accessible from your entertaining area, and from your indoor kitchen since that’s likely where you’ll store the ingredients until you begin to cook outdoors. You want to only have a few steps to reach the oven to check on food.

Placement of your oven depends upon the size, too. Large outdoor brick pizza ovens, designed to feed many people, may not be suited for your patio, as these can get hot enough to make sitting on the patio uncomfortable in the summer months. If you want your oven right on your patio, choose a smaller sized oven that is designed to fit on terraces. There are many small sized ovens that can be located right beside your outdoor grill, bar or cooktop.

A large brick pizza oven can be very attractive, and can even be considered a feature in your yard. You may choose to place the oven in a very prominent spot to create a focal point with it. If you choose to do this, just be careful to ensure that the oven is not inconvenient for cooking, since this is its primary purpose.

Once you’ve chosen the perfect spot for your oven, talk with your dealer about installation. Your dealer can likely handle the installation for you, making the process of adding your new brick pizza oven one that is simple, and ultimately, delicious.

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