If you are among thousands of students who want to make a difference in society through the implementation or to defend the nation’s laws, you may want to start considering law school. Because law schools are very strict about their enrollment requirements, prospective students must ensure that they meet all of the criteria of the school to which they are applying. A Law School in Los Angeles, California has its own set of requirements that must be met before enrollment. Following are some of the information you will need to be able to get into one of the legal programs.
Pacific Coast University is an accredited School of Law in California that has been instructing students since over 88 years ago. To consider studying at this law school, the first requirement is that you must have a Bachelor’s Degree from a qualified and accredited school. However, if you do not have a Bachelor’s, an Associate’s Degree in Arts or Science from a California institution (once again, that is accredited) will be acceptable. It must be noted, this is not the same thing as an Associate’s in Applied Science or some other type of vocational degree.
There are also circumstances where you can have two years of college, with the acceptable required courses pursuant to a Bachelor’s Degree. Some of the programs that are offered at the school are the Juris Doctor program, which upon complete, qualifies you to sit the California Bar Exam, the Masters of Law Studies Degree, and a combination of the two. Also, there are also classes in business and divinity, all to help you in your pursuit of the Juris Doctor program.
Some benefits that you might find in enrolling at Pacific Coast University is that the classes (if you are in the classroom) are traditionally small. There are no more than 50 students in the class at a time. This is to protect the quality and integrity of the classes. There are also the convenient Night Law School, for those who cannot accommodate the day time classes. If you want to know more the Law School in Los Angeles, California that will enable you to become a successful law school candidate, visit the location.