Your youngsters are growing up, and now that it’s time to schedule their routine dental exams, you’re wondering whether to change from a pediatric dentist to a Family Dentist in Pewaukee WI. There are no definitive age guidelines in the medical community for this switch. Consider some specifics to determine whether sticking with the pediatric dentist might be better for now or whether it’s an appropriate time for a change.
Financial Concerns
Some dental insurance policies require that kids stop seeing a pediatric dentist at a certain age, since this practitioner is technically a specialty dentist. Check your policy to learn whether there are age restrictions, which usually apply to teenagers.
How Do Your Children Feel About the Subject?
This is one of the most important considerations. If your youngsters like their pediatric dentist and feel comfortable going to this clinic, there’s no reason to make a change unless you have insurance issues. On the other hand, you may have teenagers who feel that they’re becoming “too old” for a pediatric dentist. In that case, you may want to consider scheduling an appointment with a Family Dentist in Pewaukee WI. Pediatric dentists see some regular patients through the late teen years, but this isn’t necessarily suitable for every patient.
Taking Steps Toward Change
Eventually, your kids will need to make the switch as they reach early adulthood, even if you are satisfied with their dental care and they like their pediatric dentist. You can bring them to your dentist if the clinic is accepting new patients and you think this dentist would be a good match. Otherwise, the pediatric dentist can refer you to an excellent practitioner who is experienced with helping kids make the transition to a Family Dentist.
You might prefer to do your own research and consider a practice such as Pewaukee Dental. This dental clinic is dedicated to helping patients keep their teeth and gums healthy rather than simply addressing problems after they develop. You might decide you want to schedule an appointment for an exam and teeth cleaning for yourself there as well, especially if you’re interested in additional services such as teeth whitening or porcelain veneers. To know more visit Pewaukee Dental.