What Type of Info Does a Personal Injury Attorney in Sacramento CA Need From You?

by | Jun 17, 2015 | Lawyers

During your first visit with a Personal Injury Attorney in Sacramento CA, you’ll need to bring several different types of information along with you. While your lawyer can certainly discuss the case in general terms even without detailed paperwork, the type of info discussed in this article can give the attorney enough details to give you a more personalized consultation. Below, you’ll learn about the two main things you need to bring to a personal injury lawyer during your initial consultation.

The Police Report From The Accident

In most cases of personal injury, for example in car accidents, the police who arrive at the accident scene will create an official police report about the accident. The report contains all the most important information about the accident, and it may even contain information that could help your lawyer prove that you were not at fault in the accident. The report will also have contact information for the other people involved in the accident, including the name and contact info of the person who caused the accident.

A Synopsis of Your Medical Care

Your Personal Injury Attorney in Sacramento CA will also need to know about the medical care that you have received since you were injured. This can just be a brief list that includes any hospital stays, emergency room visits, doctor visits, physical therapy appointments, chiropractic appointments, and any other care you’ve received. If possible, it can be helpful to your attorney if you give them a general estimate of how much you have accrued in medical bills thus far. Later on, you will need to get medical bills that detail the exact care received, along with the exact amounts that you owe. However, a general figure is fine for this initial appointment. This is so important because of the fact that the total amount you are awarded is usually based largely upon the amount of medical damages that you can document.

Most personal injury attorneys will offer a free consultation to people who have personal injury cases. Consider calling a local firm like Sevey Donahue and Talcott Law Firm if you want to learn more about your personal injury case today!

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